
Gain Deeper Insights Across Your Data with Microsoft

Microsoft Presentation
Thursday, Feb 25, 9am – 1pm
IDRE Portal 5628 Math Sciences Building

Microsoft’s BI suite enables you to make informed decisions with new, easy-to-use analytics tools that seamlessly combine existing enterprise data, external data and unstructured data.

Please join us for a half-day session on campus to learn how to:

Mathematica Licenses Now Pro-Rated at 50%

Software Central has just reduced the price of a Wolfram Mathematica license by half.  Licenses are good through 6/22/16.  If you're tired of sharing someone else's computer to use Mathematica, now's the time to pop for your own copy.  Please visit our Software Central Online store for pricing and details.

SurveyMonkey Agreement Now Renewing

Software Central is now renewing the UCLA agreement with SurveyMonkey.  The annual licenses run from 11/1 to 10/31 each year.  Named User accounts are available at any time, and existing SurveyMonkey accounts can be easily converted into Enterprise Accounts with no loss of data.  Enterprise accounts, which have permissions equivalent to Platinum accounts, are available for a significant discount through the Software Central Store.

MCCA First 15/16 Quarterly Purchase Opportunity

UC's MCCA agreement includes the ability to make additional mid-term purchases with a minimum order volume.  Orders for the first MCCA quarterly mid-term purchase are due by Tuesday, September 15, 2015.  If your department needs to acquire new/or additional licenses under the MCCA at this time, please complete an ONLINE ORDER no later than Wednesday, September 15, 2015 by visiting the Software Central Store and signing in with your UCLA ID to place the order.  Fulfillment by SHI will take place on October 1, 2015.

Adobe Creative Cloud Promotional Pricing

For a limited time (through August 2015) Adobe is offering an extra discount on new Creative Cloud licenses.  Plus, UC has recently been granted Level 4 pricing from Adobe.  It all adds up to significant savings, especially if you can purchase before August 31, 2015.  Please contact SHI for exact pricing and visit our Adobe Creative Cloud page for information on how to get a VIP number (if your department does not already have one)

Adobe Acrobat DC Customized Files Available for Download

Software Central now has Adobe Acrobat DC Installation Packages for Acrobat Professional DC for both Windows and Macintosh platforms available on our download server. These special installation packages are customized to suppress the User Sign In and Activation, EULA and Online Services.

SurveyMonkey Accounts Pro-Rated at 50%

If you have not yet tried SurveyMonkey, now may be the time.  Licenses are at the mid point of the term so are now pro-rated at 50% of the usual price.  Please visit our SurveyMonkey page  for further information.
