
Microsoft Consolidated Campus Agreement (MCCA)

The UC MCCA agreement allows departments to purchase annual licenses for the most popular Microsoft desktop and server products as well as subscribe to Microsoft online services at substantially discounted prices. Enrolling in the MCCA makes sense if your department: has more computers than people, wants simplified compliance and administration, lab computer desktop products included at no additional cost, and consistent predictable expenses per year.  Student coverage for Office 365 is included with the MCCA.  Under the MCCA each department can choose its own custom mix of products.

Microsoft Azure Online Services


                                             SECURITY VULNERABILITY for Microsoft Azure

Please be advised that there is a vulnerability in the version of Log4j that is part of Azure. This impacts Azure Spring Cloud and Azure DevOps. Users will need to understand what Azure services they do and don’t leverage and mitigate accordingly.  Please review the links below for more details and updates from Microsoft.

Microsoft Activation for Office, Windows and Windows Server

UCLA has systems in place to facilitate Microsoft’s Volume Activation mechanisms (KMS/MAK) that are required to enable use of Office, Windows and Windows Server.  Any machine that accesses the UCLA campus network at least once every 90 days is encouraged to use the KMS instead of MAK activation.

MCCA Quarterly Buy in for 01/05/15 Fulfillment

UC's MCCA agreement includes the ability to make additional mid-term purchases with a minimum order volume. Orders for the next MCCA quarterly mid-term purchase are due by Monday, December 15, 2014. If your department needs to acquire new/or additional licenses under the MCCA at this time, please complete an ONLINE ORDER no later than Monday, December 15, 2014 by visiting the Software Central Store and signing in with your UCLA ID to place the order. Fulfillment by SHI will take place on January 5, 2015.
