Amazon Web Services Setup Step Three

Generate a UCLA Purchase Order

Generating a UCLA Purchase Order will enable you to establish monthly invoicing for billable activity under your AWS account.

If you are an authorized BruinBuy Preparer, please follow the directions below. If you are not authorized, please contact the purchasing coordinator in your department, and provide them with the directions below.

3.1. From the BruinBuy (link is external) homepage, click Special Request/Non-Catalog order to proceed.

3.2. Enter "0000KRA019" in Base Agreement field and hit TAB key once (Vendor Name and Vendor Number fields will auto-fill). This will reference the UC-wide AWS agreement.

3.3. Change Class of Order to "A".

3.4. Complete the Order Header section: PAN Subject, Requester Name/Phone #, FAU(s), etc.

3.5. Make Line 1 a Comment line (Line Code=COM), type "AWS Account Number", then type your AWS 12-digit Account Number.

3.6. On Line 2, enter the name of the Amazon Web Service product(s) you are purchasing (ex. "AWS EC2"), then in the Line Amt field, enter the estimated spend for this service. The AWS Simple Monthly Cost Calculator (link is external) is available to help with spend estimates. AWS is a non-taxable purchase.

3.7. Click SAVE, then Preview Submit to review your order entries (strongly recommended).

3.8. Click SUBMIT to complete your order.

3.9. Use the Email function to email the PO to yourself.

If you have questions regarding how to generate your AWS PO, contact the BruinBuy Help Desk ( (link sends e-mail)). If you encounter an error message, please provide a screen shot (use Prnt Scrn key and “paste”) for accurate assessments.

Go to Step #4

Return to How to Establish an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Account at UCLA