How to Establish an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Account at UCLA

Amazon Web Services (AWS) accounts are available to UCLA under terms of an enterprise
agreement between the UC Office of the President (UCOP) and AWS. UCOP has negotiated
additional terms under an Enterprise Discount Program (EDP). Accounts covered under the EDP
agreement are provided a discounted rate on most AWS services.

IT Services operates a UCLA campus single-payer AWS account and provides EDP coverage using
the AWS Organizations service. All AWS accounts that are members of the UCLA campus singlepayer
AWS Organizations service are covered by the EDP agreement and receive the discount.

New AWS accounts can be directly provisioned as members of the AWS Organizations service.
Existing AWS accounts can join as members by invitation. To request a new AWS account or an
invitation for an existing AWS account, please contact

All requests for coverage (new accounts and existing accounts) must provide the following

  • A UCLA campus FAU for recharge billing
  • Contact information (name, email address, phone number) for:
  1.      An administrative contact; account owner, able to make decisions about the account
  2.      A billing contact; fund administrator able to resolve issues with the FAU or other billing problems
  3.      One or two technical contacts; responsible for responding to any technical orsecurity issues with the account

New accounts must provide an email address to be associated with the AWS account for the
root email credentials. The email address cannot already be in use by any existing AWS
account. The email address will be used for the root account credentials and should be part of
a UCLA managed email service.

Existing accounts must provide the 12-digit AWS Account ID and the email address associated
with the root account credentials. Note that existing accounts that are already members of an
AWS Organizations must be removed before joining the UCLA campus EDP Single Payer AWS
Organizations service.

Billing for AWS service consumption is monthly via recharge to an FAU. Member accounts are
responsible for AWS services consumed in the preceding month. Billing is pass-through and
includes the full EDP discount. There are no added fees or charges.
Information about the UC/AWS EDP contract can be found at
and information about the UC/AWS agreement at
For general questions, please contact
